Sculpt the Eyes Part 2, Video 7
Sculpt the Eyes, Part 2
- 0:02 Smooth out a small pancakes of clay on the Upper Eyelid
- 0:11 Snake of clay for Lower Lid
- 0:20 Smooth out a large pancake of Clay over Lower Lid (to transition to cheek)
- 0:43 Indent Lower Lid with ball tool
- 1:03 Start process over for other eye
- 1:12 Discussion about what inspires the artist
- 2:10 Open eyes as desired
- 2:15 Discussion about openness of eyelids
- 3:30 Sculpt the Lacrimal Caruncles
- 4:15 Trim face as needed
- 4:30 Build up face as needed
- 5:00 Dental tool to deepen the crease above the eyes
- 5:30 Needle for fine detail work
- 6:13 Use long blade to loosen and Lift Face from Sculpting Board