Sculpt the Nose, Video 4
Sculpt the Nose
- 0:00 Nose Anatomy
- 0:32 Define Nose Wings
- 1:13 Define Nostrils
- 1:32 Push Nose Wings down with ball tool
- 1:38 Refine the Nose Ridge
- 1:57 Make corrections as necessary
- 3:05 Round off root of nose again after adding the eyes
- 3:10 Decide if you need more clay on the forehead and chin
- 3:28 Dorsal base needs to be lifted?
Remember to look up at the face. It's easy to forget about that and then you end up with a doll that has a caved in head. Not ideal at all. ;)
- 3:55 Throughout sculpting process be sure to stop and check all angles and make corrections as you see the problems.